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Board Minutes of the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board Meeting Zoom Remote Meeting August 22, 2023

]Members Present:     The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Jodi Lightfoot, Vice President
  • Larry Ioffredo
  • Gary Osteen
  • Mike Lomas, Chairman and President


  • Kasey O’Halloran


Call to Order:                The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Lomas on August 22, 2023, at 6:01 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda:         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes, financial statements, and the AR report from July 2023. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Osteen it was

RESOLVED to approve the consent agenda.


Invoices:                         Invoices for July 2023 were reviewed; all invoices were approved for payment.  Upon motion duly made by Mr. Ioffredo seconded by Mr. Osteen, it was

                                                        RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$12000 transfer requested and granted.


Manager’s Updates:   From John FitzgeraldJuly BOD removal was 97% and TIN results were 5.6mg/l, good results. D & D was able to replace 80′ of damaged sewer line above Buckingham Ln.  They are still going to install a riser and new lid on manhole 22.1. All Drain will also video the old sections to insure no other areas are damaged.

Pye Barker Fire came to inspect and test our Backflow preventer at the WW Plant on 7/10. We discovered that the backflow preventer was defective and I am working with Doug Crawl of Aslan to get a replacement. I have received our new heater and am working on mounting and wiring it. I made two call out responses for Tim G. for the water plant while he was out of town. I also purchased, cut, and installed a redwood lid for the McKinnis Crk. sedimentation basin.


The Board discussed if the power continues to fluctuate then the Board members would go restart the water system rather then pay the contractors to do the call outs.  Mr. Lomas will go about training the Board Members.


Update from Tim Gibbons: Update on the water meter.  I did take a reading after it was online for about two weeks.  We were taking about 48,000 gallons per day out of McKinnis Creek.  This flow will change as the flow in the creek changes and as I adjust the opening at the intake.  The meter is a totalizer so it gives you ongoing total.  I subtract the last reading from the new one for total gallons.  I then divide that number by days to get an average gallon/day.  I talked with Luke Fitzgerald yesterday, our district water commissioner, and he just needs the annual water usage from each of our meters (well, raw treated and the new one).  Luke was asking also what happens to the water after it bypasses the water treatment plant that we don’t treat and I told him that it goes into the pond then overflows back into McKinnis Creek.  I told him that we would like to use the water in the pond for an emergency water source for fire, possible treatment, etc.  He suggested going to the water court and filling out the form that designates our pond for those purposes.   We are using approx. 20,000 gallons/day.  And about 5000 gallons a day comes from the wells.  I don’t know about the limits of our CFS permit.


Old and New Business:


Lot 1 Easement – Ms. Sherman has reached out to Walter McGill many times to get issues with the easement on the access to the water tank cleared up but has not had a completion of this easement yet.


Water Meters – Larry has discussed with Dakota Ridge their water meter setup. Dakota Ridge suggested the District purchase the water meters so that the District owns them. They estimated it would cost $500 per meter and $500 to plumb and operate the meter. Larry brought to the Board’s attention the difficulties this project is going to encounter. He mentioned the issues of –  usage per household amount, how to handle metering the condos, and the administration of it all.  The Board discussed the pros and cons of meters and the investment. The topic will be continually discussed at the next meeting.


Appoint New Board Member, Erica Fisher – Mr. Lomas will complete the Notice of Appointment for Erica Fisher and inform Erica. Mr. Lomas will provide the Notice to Mrs. O’Halloran for submission to DOLA.


Sewer Line Leak Update – The Board was updated on how Native did and that this project has been completed. The remaining question is if a riser is going to be installed at this location. Mrs. O’Halloran will follow up with John Fitzgerald on this.


Updated Contracts for Contractors – The Contracts for all Contractors are due to expire at the end of this month. Mrs. Sherman worked up extensions to expire on 12/31/23 and have each contractors pay updated per the raises given in April of this year. The Board agreed these will suffice and Mrs. O’Halloran will get them signed and notarized. Mr. Lomas is still concerned with the status ‘independent contractor’ and will work with Melinda Sherman to make sure the District is in safe compliance.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

at 7:25pm, this 22nd day of August 2023.


Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District